Allie Maier

Allie Maier [they/them] is a queer, nonbinary writer and editor fascinated by earnest ambiguity. They have a MA in English from SJSU and a BA in Literature from UCSC. They are cofounder and nonfiction editor of Midnight Chem, and they previously served as lead nonfiction editor at Reed Magazine.

Anne Cheilek

Anne Cheilek is a writer and editor living in the heart of Silicon Valley—if Silicon Valley can be said to have a heart. Her work is forthcoming or has appeared in RHINO Poetry, Catamaran Literary Reader, Gone Lawn, Juked, and other literary journals. She is a poetry editor for DMQ Review and past poetry editor for Reed Magazine, garnering the latter their first Pushcart Prize.

Timothy Cech

Timothy Cech is a writer and photographer based out of San Jose, CA. He is an ACP Ernie Pyle Reporter of the Year and a recipient of the Kichung Kim Award for American/Ethnic American Literature. Currently, he is a writing instructor at SJSU and a creative writing fellowship reader for the MHC Center for Steinbeck Studies. He is a former fiction editor for Reed Magazine. His work can be found nowhere.